Hello, I'm Flint! I'm a artist and animator whos currenlty working on my show!
I know this is ALOT of writing so if you want a summarization just dm any of my socials!In Progress Purchases
Work in progress updates are for the client’s viewing only, the client may not post these WIPs anywhere available for public viewing i.e. social media unless given permission.
The higher the pricing of a commission the more WIPs and options I will provide.
The client may request minor changes throughout the WIP for the work with exceptions listed as the following:
Requests to change the pose or large aspects of the appearance of the character(s) cannot be made once the lineart has been completed.
If the client fails to correct a character error in the sketch and/or coloring phases or when asked by the artist. The artist is not accountable for the client’s lack of communication.
The client cannot request any changes once the work has been
completed.Customer AccountabilityThe client is responsible for providing clear references and descriptions.
The client is responsible for maintaining communication. The work cannot be completed without communication between the artist and client.Copyright and Usage PolicyI, the artist, hold every right to the produced drawing.Therefore I, the artist, am allowed to use the copyrighted artwork to:Promote myself within any place or site.
To display it anywhere to my liking.
Post it wherever I want.
Claim full ownership of the drawing.
The artist does NOT claim ownership or copyright to the character designs used in the commissioned work if it is not the artist’s character.The client is allowed to;Use the commissioned artwork for personal use. Examples of this personal use are as follows:
Using the work as an avatar/icon on a variety of websites and platforms.
Use the work as examples or character reference when commissioning another artist.
Use of the work as a digital wallpaper or lock screen.
The client can claim ownership of the character(s) in the work but not of the drawing itself.
The client can print the work for non-commercial use (i.e. printing to hang up in a room or share with friends).
The work cannot be used for profit, such as on a business card or printed onto merchandise. I, the artist, do not take commercial commissions.
Using the work on a character’s profile, with proper credit.
Examples of proper credit are: Leaving a direct link or username tag (such as an @ on twitter) within the description or title of the post.
The client is allowed to post the work on social media and sites with proper credit, social media and sites allowed for this term are as follows:
Art Fight
Social media and sites not applicable (not allowed) for this term are as follows:
18+ Sites such as, Pornhub or Rule34.NOTES
Prices may vary depending on complexity of the character and/or other effects (ex. fire, water, smoke, etc)

⮞ Sketch - $1 ⮜ - ⮞ Shaded - $3 ⮜
⮞ Icon - $5 ⮜ - ⮞ Symmetrical - $2 ⮜

⮞ Sketch- $8⮜ - ⮞ Flat - $10 ⮜ ⮞ Shaded - $12 ⮜